domingo, março 13, 2005

De falhanços a folhanços

- Have you ever failed?
- Never!... in school, that is. Although I did fail lots of times...
- What do you mean?
- ... in life. I failed in life.
- What was your biggest mistake? (tenho-me apercebido que, nesta idade, tudo é medido por extremos)
- Coming into this country (silencio) I had never told you this before, have I? (sorriso)
- No. ...why don't you go back?
- Because I can't. ... not right now.
- Why don't you like it here?
- I can't really explain it... it's just... not my place. (como a posso fazer compreender?)
- Why are you crying...?


Uma hora e tal antes, e a propósito de lucky shamrocks e trevos de quatro folhas (que por sinal não são a mesma coisa).

- Why do they say four is lucky?
- I think it all has to do with your belief. If you really believe it will bring you luck, then it might indeed. Even it only has three, two or one.
One day, Avô gave me one that he had found...
- Did it bring you any luck?
- Yes. Luck with four names on it: Verónica, Jessica, Daniel e David.
E ela sorriu.

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Posto isto... à tua pergunta "Tás bem?", esta resposta é mais completa do que simplesmente "ponto-morto".
Se bem que as duas tenham exactamente o mesmo significado.

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